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Become A Sponsor

Help Us To Empower Them

We offer three levels of sponsorships.  These can be individual or corporate sponsors.  To learn more on how to participate or if you have questions please contact Kelly Carvalho at kelly@frankies-voice.org


Sponsor Student Live at the North Shore Recovery High School.  Includes listing on our event web page and our sponsor board, 8 entrance tickets, reserved seats at the live auction, and public recognition during the evening.


Sponsor our Cribbage and Ping Pong Tournaments.  Includes listing on our sponsor board, 4 entrance tickets and public recognition during the evening.


Sponsor an Event including the Live Auction, Silent Auction, Music & Entertainment, Food and Beverage. Includes listing on our sponsor board, 2 entrance tickets and public recognition during the evening.


Donate and receive a business crd sized ad in the auction booklet.  Includes listing on our board and 1 entrance ticket.


Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Event Sponsor-1000 (8 included) $0.00

Includes 8 entrance tickets, recognition during the evening, and a full page color ad in the auction booklet.

Tournament Sponsor-500 (4 included) $0.00

Includes 4 entrance tickets, recognition during the evening, and a half page color ad in the auction booklet.

Event Sponsor-250 (2 included) $0.00

Includes 2 entrance tickets, recognition during the evening, and a quarter page color ad in the auction booklet.

Business Card Recognition-100 $0.00

Includes 1 entrance ticket and a business card size ad in the auction booklet.
